ja logisch
maar je moet toch echt even zeker weten welk spulletje er precies in gegaan is .
bv de forte moet er vrij vlot weer uit voorzover ik weet.
maar ik geloof dat valvoline niet van die erg agressieve spullen heeft
onderstaande vond ik op het net over deze valvoline engine flush
je hoeft je voorzover ik zie idd geen zorgen te maken
wel raad ik je aan om niet zomaar iets in de motor te laten kiepen zonder te weten wat het is .
Valvoline Engine Flush is an advanced non-solvent formulation.
“Solvent based engine flushes can do a great job, but
they have a propensity to damage seals and gaskets if
they are left in too long”, says Regional Technical
Manager Ed Kopinski. “The problem is that many people leave the product in for an extended time hoping that it
will improve the result”, continues Ed. “By developing
a non-solvent engine flush, we have minimised the
chances of this occurring. The other major benefit of a non-solvent engine flush is that it cleans in a gentle and controlled fashion. Many products containing harsh solvents have a tendency to remove large chunks of deposits all at once. The problem is that these chunks
can get stuck in the lifter gallery causing a multitude of engine problems.”
Valvoline’s advanced non-solvent formulation not only minimises the risk of harming seals and gasket materials,
it also safely dissolves sludge and cleans engines to improve oil circulation, free sticky valves and lifters and reduce the deposits that rob the engine of power